Sunday, February 22, 2009

Have you ever....

spent a week or two reading blog posts, only to realize that you yourself haven't actually blogged? I do that all the time-and I apologize for it. So if I disappear, that is why. I am so engrossed in reading blogs that I forget I actually haven't posted ANYTHING myself. :p
I just woke up so I don't know what to post about right now. I'll just post a pic and come back later today when my brain is clear! :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Baby Ramona!

Congratulations Ann and Derrick for welcoming in baby Ramona in the wee hours of Valentine's Day! Ruth must be super excited :)
P.S.-I was very very drunk last night and put my cell right beside my head when I fell asleep so I would get the news when Lesley texted it-it scared the crap outta me an hour later! ha ha ha ha ha ha I drunkenly stumbled to the living room to make a Rav post because I knew everyone was waiting to hear :P
Anyone know what kind of pie Ann likes? And is she a vegetarian or just while preggers? I never think to ask anyone these things :P

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Craft Fair!

So I had a table at my first ever craft show on Saturday. It was a small show-with probably.....15 tables or so. Everything I sold except for one pendant at the end was to friends, but really? Half the people who showed up were people I knew :P So not too bad. I just put in an application for one in May that is waaay crazier and busier. I'm crossing my fingers that I get in!
Here's a bunch of pics so you can see the yummy goodness that was our table!

My friend Tacha makes awesome little critters with recycled felted sweaters


Our table of stuff-mine is the stuff off to the right of the pic-earrings, pendants and hair flowers

Here we are-looking way more awake than we felt :P

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So for my birthday a friend took me to a yarn store and got me to pick out what I wanted. And as I wanted to learn socks, I picked out the booklet for Magic Loop knitting. I have to say-I LOVE magic loop! I tried socks before a few times and never finished even 1 single sock because I hate dpns and I found it went soooo slow! Now that I have magic loop, I predict many socks in the future! This is the first pair I did, they are baby socks from the winter issue of Knit.1 magazine. They are for my friends Keith and Krista, who are expecting.

This pair is for Chad's mom. She's awesome and I thought of her when I saw this yarn. These are going in the mail right away! They just finished drying! The pattern is RPM from I am now on my second pair of RPM-this time for Tiffany, the friend who bought me the magic loop book and also the yarn I am making her socks out of-it's beiges, which is not as fun as stripey yarn, but it's what she wanted and is still pretty-just no dramatic color changes to make me go "Ooooohhhhhooooohhh" ha ha ha ha

My dartmouth knitting group is doing a KAL of Marlena by Cookie A but I don't think I have the skills to conquer that just yet-not to mention I am kinda broke and don't have suitable yarn for it. That will have to wait. It's a gorgeous pattern, though! There's also a wicked pattern by Ysolda in there that I would like to try at some point-asfter I have a few pairs of regular socks under my belt first :P