Saturday, March 15, 2008

Photo post!

Okay-since I usually lack in photos, I am determined to put a few up for you.
First off: The just about finished devil hat for Sarah

Secondly, my crocheted nurse purse! I love it so much!

And thirdly, well, I'm not actually sure if I can post them because the person I made them for might be out there somewhere looking at this.....hmmm.......well, not to name any names, maybe.
Mug Cozies!!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Crochet? Moi?

Okay, so I learned how to crochet last week with the insistance by a wonderful Ravelry cohort in Germany that I did not have to stay "crochet retarded". I struggled with my first swatch, but came out victorious in the second one, so I started and finished a project using single crochet-which is as far as I had gotten in teaching myself :P So I now have a nifty, slightly wonky nurse purse! Woo! I want to put picks up, but I want to block it first and haven't had time to yet.
On the WIPS, I still have to finish what was my mystery project, but is actually the devil hat from Stitch N Bitch-I already told the recipient she was getting it and she found my blog because I am dumb and linked her to it to see my weiner dog :P ha ha ha ha
Started a little more work on my dad's socks, but then I had to rip back because I was dumb again and accidentally left it inside out, so the stockinette stitch turned bumpy.
I think I am going to start a small project for a friend whose birthday was a few weeks ago. I have to mail her present to her, but I would like to include something handmade. Maybe some jewelry-that would get done quicker :P
That's about it for now, I suppose-I will try and be more interesting when I am not half asleep and blogging ;)

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Knitting was fun this week :) Last week I taught a friend how to knit and she came over the other night to start her first real project-the lace-up gloves I made from Naughty Needles. She got so obsessed with them she went home and kept knitting and ended up finishing them already! Woo!
Knitting night(last night) was great too, despite my having been soaked on the way. We had 2 more girls than usual, so it was plenty full! I got to work more on the weiner dog I started the other day and today I resolved to do nothing(I've been out doing stuff all week!) and I finished him! He's a little haphazard, but he's adorable. He will make a great draft dodger for Chad's sister :)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

9 years! Holy Crap, Batman!

Today is our anniversary. It's been 9 years since we started dating, and I wouldn't trade a second of it for anything in the world. I love you!

Here we are in 1999 just after we started dating:

And this was taken on my birthday in January, this year.