This weekend was a great weekend! First we had a girl's night at Kel's place on Friday night and then all hungover, Lisa and I, along with my boy Chad and our friend Gillian, headed out to George's Island.
George's Island is one of 2 islands that sits in Halifax Harbour. McNab's-a large tree covered island, sits at the mouth of the Harbour and is open to the public. George's Island has apparently NEVER been open to the public before. I have been totally obsesses with it since I moved here-it always looks so romantic and lonely, and there are ghost stories about it too! ;)
Alright-be warned-this is a heavily photoed! ;P ha h aha h aha
Karyn being very expressive about something
Lisa is all "Looks at my fancy drink!"
Kel likes my smooches ;)
Me and Kel-we are quite drunk at this point
Lisa getting some love ;)
Me and Lisa
Kel can outdrink us all apparently :P

On the ferry just about to George's Island
I thought this was the Married Officers Quarters but upon looking at my map again its actually the lighthouse keeper's house
Gillian and Lisa hiding from the wind-it was super insanely windy out there-Halifax itself is really bad for the wind but that day was EXTRA windy!
My man, Chad, with Lisa and Gillan
Chad crawled up this bank, so Lisa went up after he came down so she could see. This is right after she got scolded to come down by security :P
The outside of Fort Charlotte
I zoomed in on this because I can see my apartment! Weee! We live on the 3rd balcony down on the building smooshed between the front trees-right up from the butt of that cruise ship
Chad checking out Halifax
Fort Charlotte is actually built INTO the island, so that the enemy couldn't see it. They would face a deep ditch if they came running up it!
Gillian with a big cannon :P
These cannons were so big that they actually had to build the rooms AROUND them, instead of building them and then installing the cannons afterwards.
Creepy hole to the outside
The gang with the cannon
We found a room with a gross slimey wall-Lisa is showing you how gross and slimey it is.

That would be McNab's Island out there.
Yay! Downtown Halifax!
Southend Halifax!
THIS was the married officer's quarters
Lisa and Gillian sitting on Chad's BIG CANNON heh heh heh
Some sort of labyrinth storage area
I have no idea what this was but it was right by where we caught the ferry back
Chad and Gillian in line to go home
I feel like Andre the Giant next to Gillian :P
Afterwards we went to the Lonestar for some yummy food!
Chad :P

Whew! That was a lot of pics! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
My friend Sue went to George's Island on Sunday. Do you know if they are going to continue doing this throughout the summer?
Ooh it looks pretty there. You make me want to go to visit you so bad :)
Meggie-as far as I know this was a one weekend, one shot deal. BUT, it was a huge success from what I heard(and saw) so I imagine they will do it again, but likely not until next year. They haven't been maintaining the island at all, so it isn't likely they'd make it open very often. It was so worth it, though. I want to live there.
Brook-I would DIE if you came and visited me ;)
Looks like fun. You are super cute! (And I mean that in a totally hetero, platonic sort of way of course!)
That looks like so much fun - I feel like I was there in spirit. ha ha.
Seriously though, it looks like an awesome place to visit. I love places that have ghost stories.
Well then, I should start saving now!!!
p.s. my husband, son, and I are terrible house guest that keep everyone up and eat all the food in sight. Hope you know what you're in for!!
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