Monday, September 29, 2008


This weekend was Pacafiesta out at Exhibition park in Halifax. I was super excited and even though I am supposed to be on a yarn diet, I decided it doesn't apply to special events. Regardless, I really need to make a huge dent in my stash so that I can get stuff to make Christmas presents-it's coming up on us fast!
So we(Lisa, Chad and I) got out there a little after noon. We ended up JUST missing Meegiemoo, which sucks because we have yet to meet! Julie came over and chatted for a few minutes-I nervously talked her ear off because that is what I do! ha ha ha ha ha ha Also ran into my aunt and cousin who were there because my aunt keeps alpacas over the summer for 4H for Atlantic Canada Alpacas and because she is looking into buying some midget alpacas.
Chad had a lot of fun petting the animals and laughing at all the alpacas making their little humming noises. Lisa didn't buy anything(for SHAME! ha ha ha ha ha) and I bought a bunch of fiber and some yarn.
On to the pics!
Goat! ha ha ha ha ha ha

Chad likes to pet things

What are YOU looking at?

So cute :P

Some spinning! I REEEEAAALLLYYY need a spinning wheel already!

More pettings


Hahaha I love how the llama is smiling-she must like Lisa at lot!

The llama baby!

Giant knitting!

My score-2 bags black and white fiber and some GORGEOUS brown and cream handspun from the Atlantic Canada Alpacas booth. This yarn I am already using and it is the BEST yarn I have knit with so far-100% alpaca

From the Black Lamb booth-2 bags of purple based fiber-one is black and purple the other is purple with some grey-and some hot pink city silk, I think it was.


jkleclerc said...

I love the purple fibres.

I was eyeing the spinning wheels too, but what I was really in love with was the weaving loom.

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

You got some nice loot! A yarn diet definitely doesn't apply to special events like that.

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd made it over. Sigh. I had too much to do this past weekend.

P.S. I would have nervously talked YOUR ear off if I spotted you.

Nice haul!