Friday, September 26, 2008

Photo project

Alright, so you may or may not know that I used to be really heavy into photography. I have a diploma and I spent 2 years meeting models and doing shoots in my spare time. I am obsessed with pin-ups and all that. So anyways, I ended up slowly getting out of it because my hours at work got to be insane and I was starting to have a bit of a melt down when it came to the meeting of the models and all that-I don't do too well in those kind of scenarios-meeting strangers for the first time and working with them and all that. Hell-I'm scared of my damn phone even! ha ha ha ha
So lately I have been really wanting to ease back in to it-more on my own terms. So I have decided to combine my love of knitting with my love of photography. I have enlisted some of my knitting friends to let me experiment with them and their finished objects. Eventually I would like to be doing shots of them with FO's the designed themselves. I've been really into the Rowan and Louisa Harding books(and others) and I LOVE the photos int hem. Gorgeous!!!
So for starters, keeping in mind that I am SUPER rusty and I didn't have my fancy lights with me, here are some pics of my wonderful, gorgeous friend Lisa and her new sweater she made! You can find her project page here on ravelry.


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures!

Great sweater (!), it's perfect on her.

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

Great pictures! I think it's a good idea to combine the two. I can't wait to see more!

Stephanie N said...

thanks, ladies!!!