Saturday, February 14, 2009

Baby Ramona!

Congratulations Ann and Derrick for welcoming in baby Ramona in the wee hours of Valentine's Day! Ruth must be super excited :)
P.S.-I was very very drunk last night and put my cell right beside my head when I fell asleep so I would get the news when Lesley texted it-it scared the crap outta me an hour later! ha ha ha ha ha ha I drunkenly stumbled to the living room to make a Rav post because I knew everyone was waiting to hear :P
Anyone know what kind of pie Ann likes? And is she a vegetarian or just while preggers? I never think to ask anyone these things :P


Anonymous said...

Ramona's an awesome name!

Anonymous said...

Yeah she is vegetarian full time. I don´t know what kind of pie she likes, but she loves cheesecake.

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

That is the most awesome name!!

Ann said...


It makes my heart happy that you were drunk - since you know, they wouldn't let me...

I like pie. All kinds of pie. I think you should be a baker - open your own little bakery. I'd give up poutine for you!